Private Pilot Certificate Estimate

Here is a basic cost estimate to become a Private Pilot. This assumes you have zero experience or knowledge and that it takes you 50 hours finish your training. We work with students to complete their written test component either prior to or beginning the flight component and this helps the student save time and money on the total. Please reach out to discuss further. This is paid as you go, and not all at once.

Instrument Rating Estimate

This estimate assumes you have the majority of your 50 hours of PIC cross country time already built. Please reach out to discuss your situation and we can get you an updated estimate!

Combined ComMercial/CFI

One way to save time and money during training is to transition to the right seat as soon as your instrument rating is achieved. Learn the Commercial Maneuvers from the right seat, work on the few additional requirements for the CFI from the right seat at the same time. By preparing your CFI lesson plans, you in essence are also getting ready for your Commercial Oral. Take your Commercial and CFI checkride right after each other! This is a cost estimate assuming you are near 250 hours and combine the preparation together. Please reach out for a specific estimate based on your current finish up situation.

Your Personalized Estimate

Your journey matters. We will personalize our estimates based upon your current time, needed writtens, and desired timeline. Reach out for your personalized estimate and let’s start your journey together.