Serving the United States - from right here in Central Wisconsin!
Based out of 82C Mauston New Lisbon Union Airport
Our Mission
We are the Professional Affordable Flight School you have been looking for. Our vision is to help people reach their goals in an efficient manner! We offer a variety of services that help students wherever they are in their training. You can obtain all your ratings you need right here in Central WI!
We do Full Time Accelerated, Finish up training, and even zoom with students throughout the US to help them with the ground support and written test prep they are lacking elsewhere.

Meet Monet
Full Time Accelerated student - moved from Hawaii to train here as of Jan 2025
Why would someone move here to finish their rating?
Maximize training dollars with airspace that you can focus on what you are learning!
Care about maintenance of planes and safety conscious culture—Owners that truly care about their students
Proven track record
Full time Professional CFIs
Team approach to all that we do. We care about you AND your journey!